
The 'CsvBlockSave' function saves the memory as Comm-separated values file(CSV).


int @ CsvBlockSave (int id, string filename, int encoding);



int id : Connection ID assigned by a CsvBlockLoad() or CsvBlockNew() function.
string filename : The file name (full file path will be used) to save
int encoding : Encoding type of string (0 = ASCII, 1 = UTF8)


Return Value

After a successful, returns 1, and if it fails, returns 0.



@DialogSetFilter ("Csv files | *. csv |");
retn = @DialogFileSave ($ filename);
if (retn == 1) (

@CsvBlockGet ($ ID, "ex.txt", $ Number);
@CsvBlockSave ($ ID, $ filename, 0);

Description : If you select the file in the File Save dialog box, the current tag values are sent to a comma-block memory (CsvBlockGet). And then save the file. ( the ASCII format )

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